JESTER çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ JESTER/SANITY ³Comments From the studio musician, Andreas Stenhager: ¹ Most of the tunes that I've had the opportunity to hear from this guy were made to the masses, and I have a hard time to recognize any sign of musical talent in this sort of music. I'm not saying that Jester doesn't have talent, he probably has lots of it, but if you're making pop/techno this way, you don't show it. I can, as already stated, imagine that this guy is loved by the masses(am I right?), but it doesn't give me anything. The drums in Jester's tunes are almost never as complex as they have to be if your aim is to create this kind of music. Complex doesn't have to mean lots of notes, but a massive sound that sounds right! Anyway, after all I can't complain because many of the Amigamusicians don't have the real musical knowhow(although the technical knowhow often is greater than I could imagine!), and thus many of them don't have drums complex enough in their songs. Some of Jester's melodies are very nice, some are not. If he would have varied the leadinstrument more from song to song, I think the overall judgement would have been higher. 'My glamorous life' is very nice in some aspects, and this is the song with the ¶most 'real' drums. Maybe because they consist of sequences. The bassline is very simple, as they use to be in pop, and I think Jester does the right thing not doing it more varied. The chords/voices are sometimes bad looped, but he knows how to handle a piano(at least it sounds so when he selects the accords). The only techno song I have heard from this guy starts very nice, with a quiet nice beat, but then he slows down the tempo very cheap and the general sound falls down to zero. If Jester will make more songs, I would advise him to make either fast popsongs or even techno, because of what I have heard, that seems to be his personal style. ³Diesel's comment: ¹I have a hard time figuring out why people love Jester's music. 'Jesterday' had one good song, My glamorous life, but the rest was just about average! I like the beginning of the Pygmy Projects song, but not the middle part with the woooaaaaoo-lead which belongs to Lizardking. An average guy, nothing more!